erioladastra,<br /><br />We seem to be in a period of intense education regarding operating systems in space, between the problems that you have referred to and the upcoming shuttle flight to rewire the station. As more things change, the more learning opportunities come along. Of course, learning opportunities imply the possibility of mistakes, which we must prepare for and expect, so that the mistakes will not be magnified into catastrophes. You have said that the timing of the next shuttle launch is critical to the flow of operations far beyond those directly involved in the shuttle mission, which is a concern.<br /><br />I hope that we can avoid pushing too hard to try to make up for lost time, because that often results in losing even more time. Of course, having a deadline involving shuttle operations a few years away does not help matters much.<br /><br />I wish everyone involved in the upcoming mission and the projects it is to accomplish on the station the very best. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> The secret to peace of mind is a short attention span. </div>