Some interesting points to note:<br />Chine started its manned space program with a spacecraft that could vary in crewsize - one to three - while Americans and Soviets started their manned flight with monoplace vehicles;<br />SZ can perform orbital changes in altitude;<br />It can dock;<br />And allows EVA operations.<br /><br />It is easy to figure out why they choose Soyuz to put their program on the road; The solution was well over there, on the other side of the Mongolian border!<br /><br />Of course, time passed by, and it would be almost nonsense if China started manned space flight with an Vostok or Mercury-type vehicles.<br /><br />I am still trying to figure out why they put 4 large main nozzles in their propulsion module. Soyuz has only one engine, and it can be de-orbited even if the main engine fails, just using he vernier and attitude control thrusters.